This is a blog about Rachel's travels in France during the summer of 2011.

Thursday, August 11, 2011



So my blog post today is going to a little different. Nothing exciting is really going on, since i'm one of the few people not traveling this weekend.  I have been experiencing a little home sickness recently and I have realized that some of this is due to my desire to see all of my friends in San Antonio and Savannah, but most of it is due to my need for normal food. I have decided to compile a list of all the food I would like when I get back to America. (not in any particular order)

1. Chipotle burrito
2. Olive garden salad and breadsticks
3. Flautas!
4. all kinds of tex-mex
5. pizza (the pizza here is really depressingly sad)
6. PB&J for serious
7. spagetti
8. meat that can be easily recognised
9. coffee creamer
10. sonic ice
11. Chick-fil-a
12. pancakes

There are also a lot of food items that I will miss when I go back to America. The major item in this list is baguettes. I will really miss having a bakery on every corner serving freshly baked baguettes for 85 cents a piece. America really needs to get more bakeries.
That is all for today.

Au Revoir


  1. I just love French bakeries! Your picture is unfair!

    I miss you--Mamacita's straight from the airport.
