This is a blog about Rachel's travels in France during the summer of 2011.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Bonjour Reader and Friend, 

Today was a pretty low key day, all I did during the daytime was work for SCAD and work on homework. After dinner is when the party really started! Meghan, Molly, and I decided to bike to Bonnieux for ice cream which is about 4 miles away. I'm almost positive that that was the longest I've ever ridden a bike. The hills were very interesting because going down the mountain is fabulous, but biking back up almost killed me.  The end of both rides ended in me giving up and just walking the bike up for a while. Also, while on the way there, we were riding down the hill Lacoste is located on, and I lost control and fell off my bike and hit my head. It was tres bien fun!

Au Revoir

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