This is a blog about Rachel's travels in France during the summer of 2011.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Last Day in Paris and Back to Lacoste


Yesterday was our last day in Paris, and what a hectic day it was. The day started with packing up and trying to fit all the goodies of Paris into my already overstuffed luggage. The extra empty backpack I brought with me was super helpful. Around 10;45 I was packed and checked out of the hotel and on my way to Ultramod, a really cool store with vintage sewing supplies like fabric, ribbons, buttons etc.. but when I got there it was closed :( I was super sad, but thankfully there was lots of excellent shopping in the area to cheer me up! I got some super cute presents, but my shopping was cut short because I was supposed to meet Molly and Adelle at the Paris Opera.  Unfortunately, due to the inconveniences of being abroad, such as the lack of cell phones, we missed each other so I ate lunch on the steps of the opera, and decided to just shop without them. Super coincidentally I stumbled upon them as I was passing the side of the opera and they were coming out from there tour! It was super fabulous and we all took a metro from the opera to the outskirts of the city to go to the largest flea market in Paris. Sadly, the only thing that I found there was some very pretty ribbon and a banana and Neutella crepe, but so souvenirs. because of this we decided to return to the giant eight story shopping center that was behind the opera, and went to the Paris souvenirs floor where I got lots of great stuff. We grabbed some really delicious gelato and then ran back to the hotel to grab our bags and get to the train station by 6:45. We made it back to Avignon by 10 and bussed back to Lacoste, getting in around 11pm. I were all super pooped, but still had to drag all of my luggage up the ridiculously steep hills and up the 38 steps to my dorm.  When I got to my room I realized that my wrist was covered in dried blood, and was bruised. I have decided my my wrist acted upon it's own accord and tried to kill itself while climbing up all of the hills and steps, while carrying my luggage. Finally back in my own bed, I slept very well for eleven hours.

After my trip to paris I have made sevral observations about Praisians.

1. Paris is full of very attractive men
2. Conveniently, everyone speaks English
3. Parisian men really do say ooh la la to women
4. Paris is not the city of love, but the city of PDA (Public Displays of Affection)
5. Gypsies are very creative, they come up with endless ways of swindling tourists out of their money
6. I would definitely like to live in Paris one day

1 comment:

  1. Love all your pictures and observations! Great observations about Paris (and PDA's vs love).

    So glad you're "home" safe.
